You Achieve What You Eat Featuring Erica Stenz

If you're looking for inspiration to eat clean and work out more consistently, look no further! We'd love to introduce you to Erica Stenz, trainer and VP Marketing at Barry's Bootcamp here in San Francisco. It should come as no surprise to you that Erica was voted one of SF's hottest trainers. 

I asked Erica to share some wisdom with us and tell us how she stays inspired. In other words, HOW DID YOU GET THOSE ABS!?!?? One important thing we want to point out that she didn't highlight is that consistency is really important if you want to look insanely fit like her. She's not just eating clean most of the time. She's eating clean every meal, every day. This means no French Toast cheat meals for brunch or getting drunk on Friday night. If sacrificing things like that are worth it to you, then by all means go for it! But don't expect to get chiseled abs if you like to live freely on the weekends. #settingexpectations

Learn more about Erica below, then sign up for one of her kickass (as in she will seriously kick your ass) classes at Barry's!

Who or what inspires you most?
My clients/students inspire me the most. They keep me motivating to actually "walk the talk" and do what I preach to them!

Do you have a quote or mantra that you love to repeat?
"Eat Clean. Train Mean." 
"The hottest outfit is self-confidence"

How would you describe your philosophy about being fit and healthy?
Same as my mantra - "Eat Clean. Train Mean" - that's the best recipe for strength, fitness and health.

When did you first realize that nutrition is important?
After gaining the "freshman 15" in college, I took a nutrition class and fell in love. I became the nutrition TA at UCSB for 3 years and ever since have been passionate about studying nutrition.  
What do you eat in a typical day?
Always Whole30! Typical day is hard boiled eggs, sweet potato & broccoli for breakfast, then tuna salad for lunch, and chicken & brussels sprouts for dinner. Bag of almonds and apple for snacks. It's all Whole30- so no diary, added sugar, alcohol, legumes or grains. I've been eating this way since December 2014 because it feels so good to eat whole, unprocessed foods.

What does your workout schedule look like each week?
Since I train at Barry's Bootcamp, I'm always taking classes there or practicing for my own classes! I workout at Barry's 5-6x a week: 3 days running/strength training and 2-3 days just "double floor" strength training. I also do yoga once a week.